Çankırı Karatekin University, Turkey announces for call for applications to participate in the staff-mobility program of the Erasmus+ for the 2023/2024 Academic year. Mobility Periods: First staff week: 4-8 March 2024 and Second staff week: 6-10 May 2024.
University website: https://www.karatekin.edu.tr (Turkish)
https://international.karatekin.edu.tr/en (English)
https://international.karatekin.edu.tr/ar (Arabic)
Course Catalogue: https://bbs.karatekin.edu.tr/AkademikBirimler.aspx?birim=15
Grant: 6 days - 140 Euro for per day + travel cost according to distance band
Available Departments for Teaching:
- Political Science and International Relations MA Programme
- Economics Msc Programme
- Chemistry MSc Programme
- Biology MSc Programme
- Mathematics MSc Programme
- Art and Design MA Programme
- Business MA Programme
- Training mobilities will be accepted to any departments & units.
Interested Staff must apply on http://onkayit.karatekin.edu.tr/erasmus_personal not later than 20th December 2023 and upload the following documents:
- Proof of Employment (Showing the status and duration)
- National ID or Passport
- Any document that shows the language level (TOEFL, IELTS or University Exam etc.)
- Proof of Educational Degree (Diplomas etc.)
Applicants must also submit a copy of the application uploaded together with letter of motivation for the mobility and application letter to the Dean of International Affairs and Institutional Linkages, Kumasi Technical University latest by 19th December 2023.
For further information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Sarfo Mensah, sarfo.mensah@kstu.edu.gh 0244871712
Dr. Addo Koranteng, addo.koranteng@kstu.edu.gh, 0209142458